
about ancient nomos

Ancient Nomos Art is a museum of galleries exhibiting ancient coins and ancient mint maps. The coin gallery displays the diverse art and history of hand-crafted ancient Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Persian and Medieval coinage. The ancient mints mapping gallery features Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Asia Minor and Medieval mint city regions and territories. Visitor's are welcome to explore, study and enjoy Ancient Nomos Art.

The ANAM Shop

Ancient Nomos Art Exhibition

Recent Additions

From Ancient Galleries

Ancient Nomos Art Exhibition

Obverse: Please visit the ANAM Greek and Roman Galleries for details,
Reverse: images, historical narratives and additional numismatic documentation.


This compilation of photos illustrates each of the most recent Roman, Asia Minor and Medieval additions. The photos are all shown here at near actual coin sizes to provide a sense of their scale relative to other denominations and minting time periods. Some photos may include an enlarged surface for clarity and emphasis.


I. Republican Roman Cast Sextans – Mint of Rome. Circa 230 BC.

II. Severina Augusta Denarius – Mint of Lugdunum. Circa 275 AD.

III. Valeria Augusta Follis – Mint of Alexandria. Circa 308 AD.

IV. Medieval Islamic Half Dirham – Mint of Aleppo. Circa 1176 AD.

V. Medieval Hungary Bela III Rezpenz – Mint of Pannonia. Circa 1172 AD.

VI. Salzburg Cathedral Commemorative Taler – Mint of Salzburg. Circa 1628 AD.

VII. Medieval Islamic Dirham – Mint of Damascus. Circa 717 AD.

VIII. Augsburg Confession Commemorative Taler – Mint of Dresden. Circa 1630 AD.

Please visit the specific Ancient Nomos Art Roman, Asia Minor and Medieval Galleries for enlarged details, attribution and additional documentation.

ANAM Roman Gallery

ANAM Asia Minor Gallery

ANAM Medieval Gallery


Legend, Documentation and Attribution
